Top 3 & 11 Application

Anti-Elitist Organization Otherwise known is a top 25 Syndicate looking for new players. Rank: 11

APPLY NOW!!!! Limited seats available.

1) Minimum IP per battle: 50k (Non Gold)
Minimum IP per battle: 100k (Gold)

2) Hourly/Daily players ~ Inactivity will result in removal

3) Minimum Required Stats

  • Level 1-50 stats x 50,000
  • Level 51-99 stats x 80,000
  • Level 100-150 stats x 100,000
  • Level 150-200 stats x 150,000
  • Level 200+  stats x 200,000

4) You must fill out the form below.

5) NO CASH DONATION required: Fully maxed UZIS MINIMUM DONATION: 100 (May Vary)

6) Must download LINE application. (Free)

7) Spring Cleaning Occurs after EVERY battle: inability to achieve 50k IP will result in a FIRST offense and a WARNING and if a SECOND offense is committed you will be immediately removal.


1. Communication. The biggest key to any syndicate’s success is active communication. AEO uses LINE to communicate and as an AEO member you MUST communicate daily on LINE to keep up with what’s trending. (Preferably check in twice a day AT LEAST)

2. Participation. Whether it’s battle, raid boss, sltq, 24 hr ltq, epic boss, or pvp events, full participation is required. Some may require strategies and pre-setting some may not. Camping is no longer efficient in AEO as it is a sure way to fall behind and be a target in battle. We will do our best to complete ALL (syndicate) events and we need everyone to help to make that possible.

3. Donations. Cash is not required or needed at this time so please keep your cash for your own hood or to possibly trade for weapons (if you have billions). Bricks are always needed but there is no minimum on bricks just donate what you have when you get them as they can only be used in battle by the syndicate. RAID BOSS WEAPONS are the biggest and most important donation item at this time. The minimum is XX weapons but we should all try and get as many as possible. 100 weapons is what we should all get to finish the event. You will need to use all skill points for energy to ensure your ability to get weapons and to participate in the other events. It is recommended to have 1500 energy in the least.

4. Battle. You must be active and on LINE during battle and follow instructions and the battle plan prepared by officers. The plan often varies with each fight so check to see what you the plan is before attacking.

5. Gold. Gold is not required to be in AEO but it is an important part of the success of the team. We will always do everything we can to minimize the amount of gold needed to complete events and win in battle which is why PARTICIPATION IS NOW MANDATORY more than ever.

6. Have fun. This is a game and having fun is always required. The rules aren’t here to take the fun out but to ensure that the team has fun by being successful. Be respectful of others and do your best.

Example of stats that we are looking for:



Why should you apply?




  1. Craig

    Are you still buying gold after the rate change, I am a member of another top 250 syndicate,maybe looking to move up ,,,stats are in 500 k area with syndicate bonuses ( level 134). I do buy gold but not more that 20 or 25 a battle….

    • Can you make at least 20k IP ? It would be easier if you filled out the app above and sent me all info. Yes, some of us still buy gold. Although we lost 2 small gold spenders.

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