Tag Archives: City

Wicked Wednesday

Here are the prizes along the way:

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Relax On the Beach ~ LTB (Defense Building)

Hey guys, This is a different type of LTB … a defense building! Yes, the mods stack. It begins tomorrow. Here is the extremely diverse breakdown:

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Dark Terror Box Event!

Dark Terror Box Event has already started and there is 1 hour left into war! Gree will not give you a break!   Collect 10 of these BIO TERROR BOMBS and get the Shadow Laser Rifle Attack: 46435 Defense: 37991 with 10% Gun Defense Collect 9 and get Shadow Getaway 13953/12878Collect 7 and get Shadow …

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Bay Harbor Beach Battle!

Battle for Empire City: Bay Harbor Beach  The battle for Bay Harbor Beach is about to begin! Here are the ranking prizes: Here is what your syndicate can win: Here is the breakdown: Here is what you can win: Here is the breakdown:

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Raid Boss ~ Red Brick’s Mafia

Red Brick Raid Boss Hey guys, here is a new Raid Boss! This is the big prize: Here are all the random drops: and here are the goals and prizes:   Summoning Order to help:

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LTB Chasing Quarters

Chasing Quarters/Throwback Arcade LTB Hey guys, here is the info for the new LTB:

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Swimming with the Fishes LTQ

Swimming with the Fishes LTQ New LTQ began today, Prize List: and here are the prizes you can win along the way!

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Top 25 ~ AEO is Recruiting

Anti-Elitist Organization Otherwise known is a top 25 Syndicate looking for new players. APPLY NOW!!!! Limited seats available. 1) Minimum IP per battle: 50k  2) Hourly/Daily players ~ Inactivity will result in removal 3) Minimum Required Stats Level 1-50 stats x 50,000 Level 51-99 stats x 80,000 Level 100-150 stats x 100,000 Level 150-200 stats x 150,000 Level 200+  stats x 200,000 …

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SAS’s first battle without Fight Club ~ Error?

As you may be able to see this is a screenshot of SAS’s first battle after Fight Club has broken up. How do they have total points of 459,832 when they scored 458,737?   

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